4 tips to spend Thanksgiving with your pets

Thanksgiving Day Poster on Ecopetpedia's website, featuring a warm and inviting design with details about the celebration and related information

As a precious gift, pets not only bring us joy but also teach us many important values. Whether it’s a dog, cat, or other small animal, spending Thanksgiving with them is a delightful and meaningful event. Here’s a guide to spending the holidays with your “family members.”

1. Creat a pet-friendly environment

Thanksgiving is usually organized with family and friends, which can cause some stress for pets. In order to make your pet feel safe and comfortable, preparing a quiet resting space for your pet in advance is necessary so as to provide a shelter whenever they need it. Meanwhile, ensuring that activities in the home are not harmful to pets, such as placing food and drinking bowls in a safe place, and avoiding exposure to litter and toxic substances within reach of pets.

The cat is staying in its little house
Credit: Canva

2. Reasonable feeding

Thanksgiving is a holiday centered around food,  but some human foods can be harmful to pets. For instance, turkey bones, skin, and gravy, chocolate, grapes, Onions, garlic, etc. are all detrimental for pets, and we need to keep pets away from them. Moreover, overfeeding may cause their digestive problems, make sure they are getting the right amount of food. At the same time, prepare some special food for pets, such as homemade biscuits or pet-friendly meals, so that they can feel atmosphere as well.

A couple is having dinner and playing with their dog
Credit: Canva

3. Proper exercise and recreation 

During this important holiday, we often focus on spending time with our families, but we can’t ignore the needs of our pets. They need moderate exercise and recreation to keep fit and happy. You can arrange games or activities that your pet enjoys, such as taking your dog for a walk and giving your cat homemade toys.

The pets are playing with their toys

4. Giving love and companionship

By interacting with your pet, petting them, and sharing warm moments with them, these are the kind of love and companionship your pet needs. Don’t forget to give your pet some extra attention, such as brushing your cat’s fur and bathing your dog. This will not only increase the intimacy with your pet, but it is also a way of thanking and rewarding them.

Writer: Xiaohe YANG

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