Welcome to EcoPetpedia, an initiative forged by a group of students at Emlyon Business School, committed to steering the pet industry towards a more sustainable future. Our platform is a beacon for pet owners seeking knowledge and guidance in making environmentally conscious decisions for their beloved companions.

In an era marked by heightened environmental awareness, EcoPetpedia acknowledges the ecological challenges tied to pet ownership. By advocating for a conscientious approach, we strive to reshape the pet industry’s trajectory. Our platform acts as a nexus for disseminating knowledge, fostering a sense of community among pet owners dedicated to sustainability.

Beyond catering to a specific market segment, EcoPetpedia recognizes the profound impact marketing can have on shaping a sustainable world. We offer expert guidance on acquiring eco-friendly pet products, encouraging a collective shift towards greener alternatives. Join us in our mission to not only care for our pets but also leave gentle paw prints on Earth.

Meet our team!

Contact us

Email: ecopetpedia@gmail.com

